Premier League Community Captain

Altrincham FC Community Sports are delighted to announce Andrew Jones (AJ) as their Premier League Community Captain for 2024.

AJ delivers PE, PSHE, Maths & English lessons in our partner schools where he inspires children to reach their potential and have the confidence to develop new skills.

The children Love AJ going into their schools and look forward to them immensely every week.

AJ has been named Altrincham FC Community Sports Community Captain in recognition of his work supporting local children through our Premier League Primary Stars Programme across Altrincham.

Presentations to the Captains, including AJ, form part of the Premier League's 'More Than a Game' campaign, celebrating those who deserves recognition for their commitment and contribution to the game and society.

Community Manager Simon Dow was delighted to provide this recognition for AJ and commented “AJ is an inspiration to the children we work with across the local community and is nothing short of a celebrity to the local schools who look forward immensely to his sessions every week. AJ has been a ball boy, player and now coach at Altrincham FC & Community Sports Company and is Alty through & through. It’s such a well deserved reward for all his excellent work and his commitment to Altrincham FC”

A huge well done to AJ for all the excellent work he does and on receiving this well-deserved recognition.

Sponsored Walk From Oldham to Altrincham

Altrincham FC Community Sports (the Football Club’s Charitable organisation) made a small financial loss last year.

These losses are not sustainable so to avoid increasing costs to our user groups we need to raise extra funds. Thus, we have organised a sponsored walk from Oldham AFC to the J. Davidson Stadium on Monday 1st April 2024 with an 8.00am leave time from the Boundary Park.

The money raised will go directly to our many programmes that support children, young people & adults in Altrincham & South Trafford and help us to keep them accessible for all.

You can sponsor us through the button below.

Last years walkers who completed the 18 mile walk from the J. Davidson Stadium to Oldham AFC’s Boundary Park.

Altrincham FC V Maidstone United Saturday 24th February 2024

Match Day Birthday PArties

Josh Kendrick

This is Joshua who turned 8 on 13th February. Josh’s favourite way to spend his time is playing football. From the minute he wakes up he is kicking a football, watching football or on the PlayStation beating his dad at FIFA. Josh plays matches every week with his local team, Appleton AFC and has recently just scored his first hat-trick in a proper match. Josh would love to be a professional footballer and his special skill is confusing the opponent with his speedy footwork! When he’s not playing football Josh likes to spend time with his dog Rocco chilling on the sofa.


Bobby is celebrating his 9th birthday here today at Altrincham football club we have just moved to the area and he is over the moon he has this football club on his doorstep and is keen to get a season ticket. He is a huge Manchester United fan and loves his playstation and has just joined a local team.

Happy birthday Son, have the best day.

Love from Mum and Dad xx

Matchday Charity

Altrincham Garrick Playhouse is the beating heart of the community. A theatre, cinema, youth academy and community creative social place for all to enjoy.

A registered Charity, Altrincham Garrick Playhouse is predominately run by volunteers, and is one of the best live theatre venues in the South Manchester Area. Producing 17 in-house productions per Season across both auditoria; the 401-seat Main Theatre and 49-seat intimate Studio Theatre, it is renowned for its outstanding theatrical productions, events, and community engagement.

With a strong commitment to artistic excellence and community involvement, the playhouse continues to entertain and inspire audiences of all ages.

In addition to our home grown productions, we also programme Cinema screenings and host visiting shows such as Comedians, Tribute Artists, Family Shows, Music Gigs and much more! The Garrick Academy of Performing Arts runs term-time Saturday classes for children aged 5 to 18, as well as school holiday clubs. There’s even an Altrincham Garrick Show Choir that rehearse every Thursday evening. Conducted by Dan McDwyer, The Choir has over 90 members and is a wonderful way to share the joy of music and singing!

 Altrincham Garrick Playhouse has been at the heart of Altrincham's cultural scene for over 100 years! We are a well-established and cherished institution in the town with ambitious hopes for the future, and are always welcoming new volunteers to get involved and be part of our ever-growing creative community.

If you wish to find out more, or get involved, please email


We are delighted to welcome 3 Freekicks Foundation Mascots to today’s game.

Treasure attends Altrincham C of E Primary School who are a partner school for Altrincham FC Community Sports and was given the opportunity to be mascot due to his fantastic attitude and resilience.

Georgia & Martha both recently attended our Girl’s Football funweek and the coaches were so impressed with not just their unbelievable skills but also their brilliant attitudes and behaviour throughout the week.










Altrincham FC Vs Eastleigh Saturday 27th January

Matchday Birthday Parties

Charlie is excited to be bringing his Wardle Jnr teammates to celebrate his 8th birthday. He is a football obsessive who always has a ball at his feet or watching it on TV. His favourite Altrincham player is Justin Amaluzor and is looking forward to sharing the Alty experience with his friends.

A belated Happy 10th Birthday to Harry Walshe, who is here with us today! A Goalkeeper with Egerton FC where our Young Robins play some of their matches, Harry's birthday was actually in November but his celebrations were adjourned when they clashed with an invitation for him to attend a GK camp in Eindhoven led by Hans Segers (of Crazy Gang fame!).  Harry's dedication to his training was rewarded when he won the coaches' prize for best all round performance / attitude over the course of the intensive three day camp.

Harry is currently in the middle of a trial with Manchester City, so we wish him all the very best of luck with that.  We'll be sure to keep an eye out for his name in the future!"


Edward loves to learn to play football with the Altrincham coaching team which he has done after school for the last 3 year. He comes home super proud about getting player of the week and we love family days watching Altrincham play at home matches. He can’t wait to be a mascot! 

Matchday Charity

Who we are

Coffee4Craig is now entering our 10th year of supporting people facing homelessness in all its forms. Predominantly we run a 2 hour evening drop in 7 nights a week. We provide hot food, showers, advice and medic support as a first step to the recovery of homelessness. The C4C team is a group of 8 passionate people determined to provide dignity to some of Manchester's most vulnerable people.

What we do

Our primary mission is our evening café. We are open 7 evenings a week providing most importantly a space for respite for people with no space to relax or feel safe. We cook for between 70 and 100  people a night, with 3 options on the menu. We support people in bringing choice back into their life. We served 27,500 meals in 2023! We have showers and our own fashionable wardrobe (powered by donations) enabling people to choose their own clothes. Ensuring people have agency who may have been without this for months or years. There is a medic on shift every evening to ensure medical issues are dealt with when they arise before they become potentially life threatening or costly to our NHS.

Being open at the weekend we are an essential lifeline for people who are either facing homelessness or are newly homeless to find support. We draw on a collective 40 years of knowledge of the local system to ensure any person is connected with the best support for themselves.

Our support team build relationships with our guests, ensuring when someone is ready to begin their Journey they have the right tools and support. As a person's potential first step toward recovery from homelessness we connect with any statutory or charity agents involved in a case and organise multidisciplinary team meetings. Here we discuss any barriers a person might have to housing and create action plans to ensure accountability across services to ensure that person has a clear pathway to a home.


Altrincham FC V Barnet Saturday 6th January 2024

Match Day Birthday party

Ben is a sports enthusiast with a passion for football, rugby and swimming.  He plays rugby for Bowdon Rugby Club, swims for Altrincham Swimming Club and plays football for his school.  In his spare time, he follows his two favourite football teams: Manchester United and Altrincham FC.

free kicks foundation mascots

Our Free Kicks Foundation Mascots today are:

Dorothea, also know as Dottie. Is a quarter Italian and like most Italians she  loves playing football, painting and pasta!

She will be turning 10 soon and will celebrate with all my friends at St Vincent’s Primary School.

Mason is a massive city fan and goes to the match with his brother, uncle and cousins. He loves playing after school with his friends Joel and Joe and plays for his Saturday team.

He has 2 brothers Caiden and Jaxon who he plays football with at home.




We’ve all enjoyed days in Stamford Park, Altrincham, but we are sure you would all agree that the playground areas need investment, to ensure it’s safe and accessible for all children.

We are working in partnership with Trafford Council to improve the facility and have an ambitious plan. To make this first stage possible we need to raise at least £20,000 and this is where we need your help.

Playgrounds promote learning, problem solving and friendships.

Thank you for your help, no matter how big or small.

Individual and corporate donations welcome

For more information about Friends of Stamford Park:

E mail:

Facebook: FOSP – Friends of Stamford Park

Instagram: friends_of_stamford_park


Altrincham FC V AFC Fylde - Saturday 16th December 2023

Match Day Charity

Altrincham FC Community Sports are the official charity of Altrincham Football Club and have been delivering projects that support the residents of Altrincham & South Trafford since 2012.

The charity are self-funded with the support from the National League Trust, Premier League Charitable Fund, Trafford Council and other funding sources such as the National Lottery.

We deliver programmes that support the health & wellbeing of the participants to over 2500 children, young people and adults.

Using the power of the Altrincham FC name and the support of the football club, we are able to make a huge difference to peoples lives, be it in the form of physical activity sessions or food donations for families in need during the difficult times we are living in.

We are also delighted to manage and support all aspects of the Altrincham FC Womens team, from administration support & player recruitment to funding pitch hire and fees associated with the running of the team.

Community Manager Simon Dow was keen to highlight the work the charity do:

“The work we carry out in the local area is so important and appreciated by residents young and old. From Mini Kickers to Senior Exercise, we are extremely proud of the impact we have and the support we are able to provide.

The importance of Football Club Charities has grown significantly over the past 5 years, especially with the need to support specific areas of the community”.

All money raised through today’s collection will go towards funding our many programmes and enable us to continue the amazing work we do in Altrincham & South Trafford.

The next 3 years will see the charity to continue to grow and expand into new areas of work to tackle social isolation, support people nearing or just retired and with the continued success of the football club on the pitch, it is sure to be an exciting time for everyone connected with Altrincham FC Community Sports”

Thankyou Gail!

The end of the 2022/2023 Altrincham FC Women season brought to an end a fantastic career for Midfielder and Community Coach Gail Simpson Scott.

Gail has played for Altrincham FC Women since 2012 and has been a main stay in the midfield throughout and provided consistent and dedicated service to the various coaches and managers that have took charge of the team.

Gail’s involvement in the team didn’t stop once the games had finished, she was always a constant source of support, inspiration and motivation for both team mates and coaching staff.

Former Altrincham FC Women Manager Nick Pearce was full of praise for Gail and her dedication.

“During my time working with Gail I found her professionalism and commitment to Altrincham Football Club inspiring and rewarding as she showed total commitment to her team mates and the football club. She was always willing to give feedback and opinion and this help to ensure the players felt represented and listened too. She played a key role in helping to rebuild a depleted squad and always gave 100% during training and games. It was great having her involved and she always wanted to do the best for the team even if it was a the expense of herself. Gail was also a strong advocate for mental health and sports psychology as she always looked to provide her team-mates with the mindfulness and mental well being. This sort of support amongst the playing and coaching staff was invaluable and I know we would not have managed to build such a strong team cohesion if it wasn’t for Gail’s continued support. My favourite memory of working with Gail also included when we organised a legends game to raise money and remember one of the previous Altrincham Women players who had passed away. Gail managed to use her influence to assemble a group of players who had represented the club over many years to raise money for Mental Health Charity “Mind”. The number of players who returned to represent the club in this game was overwhelming and just showed was respect she commanded from all she had played with”

Team Captain Bliss Molyneaux was keen to pay tribute to Gail “They say home is a person. This springs to mind when thinking of Gail, you know you’re safe and well looked after with her around. The club and girls are beyond blessed to have her by their side”

Gail will be sorely missed by all the players and coaching staff at Altrincham FC, although she is still a passionate supporter of the team from the sidelines and will still ensure standards are kept to the required standard in her capacity as a fan.


Match Day Birthday Party

Our match day today is James Crewe who turns 9 next week. He plays football for Timperley Villa and rugby for Bowdon. He has a sister called Sophie and two pet rabbits. He supports Man City and of course Alty!

Junior Team Visit

A very warm welcome to Sale United U10’s who are having their Christmas Party with us today.

Free Kicks Foundation Mascots

Zac Holman is 7 years old and lives for football! Originally from Altrincham and his Dad, Andy - (brought up over the road on Sandiliegh Avenue!). He is a striker for Davenham FC, based in Northwich and has scored 14 goals in 8 matches so far this season. He supports Alty and Manchester United, his favourite player for the robins is Ethan Ross and for United is Bruno Fernandes. 

Zac hopes to one day get the opportunity to put the red and white on for Altrincham and play at Moss Lane! 

Jessica is 8 years old and attends a local primary school. She loves watching films, going on walks, swimming and football! She first got into football when she started playing after school with the AFC community coaches and since then she takes any opportunity she can to have a kick about! You’ll often see her wearing a football jersey, whether it’s a Manchester City one or an England one. Got a feeling we’ll be adding an AFC jersey to the collection after today too! 


Altrincham FC v Solihull Moors Saturday 25th November 2023

Match Day Charity

Don’t Walk Past is a self-funded community group which was started nearly 5 years ago after the group's founder Ronnie saw a homeless man wet through sat in a wheelchair in Manchester and thought this can't be right.  He went out alone and starting feeding & clothing the homeless at night.

 The group has grown and we now have teams going out 5 nights a week, Monday to Friday with hot and cold food and drinks, essentials like sleeping bags, blankets, clothes and toiletries.

 The teams drive round the streets of Manchester looking for rough sleepers in doorways making sure they’re fed, have clean warm clothing and are signposted if necessary to further support.  There’s always food for anyone else that needs it when they come to see us in St. Peter’s Square or Piccadilly Gardens.

 The team have helped some very vulnerable people get shelter for the night and contacted services to engage with them.

 We also support some of our homeless friends when they are placed in temporary accommodation.  They often find themselves in a room with a bed but no means of making a drink or food, or even washing clothes, meaning they still come to see us.

 We’re always on the hunt for good clean condition, men’s and women’s warm waterproof coats, joggers, hoodies and trainers.  Sleeping bags (no pillows or duvets), blankets and 2 man pop up tents are essentials.

 We’re on Facebook and Instagram so please follow us, search “Don’t Walk Past”

 We can collect any donations or you can drop off with us (collection box also in reception)

 If you think you can help or support us in anyway, please let us know.

 There’s an Amazon Wishlist for essentials and also a Pay Pal account (links on the Facebook and Insta pages)

 We’re looking forward to seeing everyone at the match on Saturday 25th November to raise some funds for us to carry on helping

Match Day Birthday Party

Our Match Day Party today is Finn who was 8 in June and has been desperate to celebrate his birthday at the Mighty Alty! He's here today celebrating with his friends from Park Road Sale School and Ashton-on-Mersey Football Club. He loves football and coming to watch the Robins play. His Mum, Dad and sister Ada all hope he has a fantastic time today.


Our FreeKicks Foundations Mascots for todays game are Evie & Martha who attend Cloverlea Primary School.

The girls were chosen by AJ & Gail from our community coaching team for their excellent attitudes both in PE lessons and at home and resilience.

The coaches and the girl’s parents are extremely proud of how well they have done this year.

J. Davidson Scrap Metal Processors Sponsored Car

We are delighted to announce the new Altrincham FC in the Community car which has been generously provided by our sponsor J. Davidson’s Scrap Metal Processors.

The car will be greatly received by the community organisation and will be a huge help to our staff who deliver various projects out in the community.

Community Manager Simon Dow was delighted to receive car on behalf of the community company and commented:

“The support we receive from Harry and everyone at J. Davidsons is essential to Altrincham FC Community Sports and enables us to continue providing the vast range of projects that we deliver in and around Altrincham.

The sponsored car is an unbelievable asset to the company and one that will enable us to spread the good work of Altrincham FC Community Sports & J. Davidson Scrap Metal throughput Altrincham & South Trafford”

If you see the car out and about in Altrincham, please give us a wave!

Heroes Amongst Us Exhibition

On Thursday 9th November & Friday 10th November Trafford Veterans & Manc Spirit Charity will be running an amazing Heroes Amongst Us Exhibition.

Held in the Vice Presidents Lounge at the J. Davidson stadium, the event will provide some fascinating memorabilia from local military veterans and provide the opportunity for you to learn more about your families military history.

Community Manager Simon Dow commented “ We are delighted to support two brilliant local charities who do so much to support Military Veterans in Trafford with fabulous activities and peer support.

This event allows everyone the chance to research their family military history while looking at the fascinating items on display.”

Match Day Activities Saturday 11th November V Southend United

Match Day Birthday Party

Our match day Birthday Party today is Leo.

Leo sweet 13th, officially a teenager. Always has been passionate of watching football and loves to play with his friends.

Leos favourite position is a striker!!

 Looking forward to watching Altrincham play. Come On Alty!!!

Match Day charity

Our match day charity today are Trafford Veterans.

Who we are

Trafford Veterans is a group of armed forces veterans, emergency service personnel and local volunteers, who all live in Trafford, Greater Manchester. The group was formed in 2015  after the two founding members, Royal Navy Veteran Claire Wright and British Army Veteran Chris Squires (both pictured, right), left the armed forces and faced a struggle with physical and mental injuries.

This affected their transition from the military back into their respective communities. Their experiences prompted them to provide peer support to other veterans and members of the community, so people would not feel alone.

What we do

We hold events and activities and encourage people to take part and share their hobbies and skills. This helps people to learn new things, meet new people and helps improve their confidence. It also provides volunteering opportunities and gives people a sense of purpose and tackles social isolation.

Our activities to date

Monthly breakfast club

Weekly model making and craft group

Allotment project

 Minibus trips

Transit van to help with house moves and deliveries

Veterans hub and weekly warm room on Fridays

We do our best to support our fellow veterans through peer support. At our activities if someone needs help, we can then sign post or make referrals to partner agencies if required.


Many men and women risk their lives on a daily basis serving in the Armed Forces and emergency services. However, some end up having difficulties when re-integrating back into civilian life when their service comes to an end. Some just miss the banter and camaraderie. During their duties they may see and deal with several traumatic scenes.


Our FreeKicks Foundation mascots today are Peter & Olufela.

Both boys have been chosen to be mascots by our Community Coaching team, for their excellent attitudes in sessions and for helping with younger children during their activities.

Well done boys and have a great time today!

Altrincham FC Community Sports Ltd 2024 - 2027 Strategy Planning

Altrincham FC Community Sports Ltd have been delivering sport, health & wellbeing sessions and community initiatives to the Altrincham & South Trafford residents since 2012.

The charity has grown considerably from being 2 people delivering all sessions and managing the Community Sports Hall bookings, to the team of 15 we now have delivering to over 2,500 children, young people and adults.

To ensure we continue to deliver programmes that are beneficial and providing the support that is needed and wanted by the residents of Altrincham & South Trafford, we have produced the below questionnaire to help us begin the process of launching our 3 year strategy for the community company.

We would be delighted to receive as much feedback as possible and welcome responses from all areas of the community to ensure that we create a clear and community led strategy for the next 3 years.


Our Over 50’s Christmas lunch is back for 2023!

We can’t wait to see everyone again this year for what is always a memorable afternoon.

For just £10 per head you will receive a traditional Christmas lunch with Roast Turkey & All the trimmings!

Its a brilliant way to enter into the Christmas spirit with friends and support the many programmes we deliver in Altrincham.

To book your place please call 0161 9281045 option 2 or email

J. Davidson's Scrap Metal Continue Their Support of AFC Community Sports

We are delighted to announce that J. Davidson Scrap Metal are continuing their financial support for Altrincham FC Community Sports and our many programmes.

Trustee & Club President Grahame Rowley, who was instrumental in organising the continued support was delighted with the agreement and commented:

“The support that J. Davidsons provide to both the football club and community company is fantastic and essential as we continue to grow and develop new programmes. It shows that J. Davidsons are at the heart of the Altrincham Community and are passionate about opportunities being provided for all”

The sponsorship will specifically go towards the following areas:

  • Altrincham FC Women’s Team

  • Altrincham FC Disability Team

  • Uniform for our Community Coaching Team

  • Alty Mini Kickers

We look forward to continuing our support for the people of Altrincham & South Trafford with the support of J. Davidson.

2014 Play Off Winners Reunion Dinner

On Friday 12th May 2023 we are delighted to be holding a reunion event of the victorious 2014 Altrincham FC side.

This will be a fantastic night to reminisce about an unforgettable event in Altrincham FC’s recent history.

Tickets priced at £15 will be available online from April 1st through the link below, or by calling 0161 9281045 option 2

Included in your ticket price will be:

  • Hot buffet meal

  • Q&A

Alty Tv’s & Radio Robins very own Brian Flynn will MC the event.

Get your tickets early as this is guaranteed to be a highly entertaining evening

Sponsored Walk In Aid of Altrincham FC Community Sports Ltd

Altrincham FC Community Sports (the Football Club’s Charitable organisation) made a small financial loss last year. These losses are not sustainable so to avoid increasing costs to our user groups we need to raise extra funds. Thus, we have organised a sponsored walk to Oldham on Friday 7st April 2023 with an 8.15am leave time from the J Davidson Stadium, Altrincham.


Those who wish to take part can collect a sponsor form from the club’s offices or download a copy from the Community Company’s website.

Bacon barms and tea /coffee will be available from 8am on the day.

For those who wish to walk but feel that the distance is too great we have organised transport to take people to the half way stage and be able to walk the 2nd leg from 11.15am.

All walkers will be provided with a lift home after the game by the club’s minibus or supporters cars

Those wishing to participate should contact Karen/Grahame on 07720-606897 to sign up for the event.


If you can’t make the walk yourself but would like to support those who are walking – please donate via the donate button below!

Many thanks for your support,

Grahame & Karen Rowley

Altrincham FC Community Sports Trustees

Brand New Football Sessions!

Altrincham FC in the Community is delighted to announce that we have recently agreed on a partnership with the up-and-coming football space, Fives Trafford, which will allow us to provide the community with an array of football sessions, catering to a wide range of people.

Situated next to the intu Trafford Centre, this new space offers cutting-edge facilities for a reasonable price, and we cannot wait to begin working together.

Starting from the 5th of September, we will be offering our community 4 brand new sessions a week. On Mondays and Thursdays, we will be running our popular over 50’s men's walking football sessions, with the women’s session taking place on a Tuesday. This women’s session is something we have been looking forward to putting on for a long time now and teaming up with Fives has allowed us to do this.

Our final session is our Disability Football Class, where those with mental or physical disabilities can come and enjoy the beautiful game in a safe and friendly environment. 

In all of these sessions, no previous experience is required and we pride ourselves on being able to include all who wish to partake. If this sounds like something you may like, or want to find out more about, please do not hesitate to contact us on 0161 928 1045.

For any who wishes to book on, you can find the links here:

Womens Walking Football

Monday Walking Football

Thursday PM Walking Football

2005 Play-Off Reunion- Over £2,500 Raised

Saturday the 14th of May saw the Altrincham FC heroes from 2005 get together once again at the J Davidson Stadium for a Reunion Dinner to celebrate their achievement 17 years ago in the inaugural North / South Play-Off final at Stoke City.

Altrincham FC Community Company got in touch with all the players and staff from that match and there was no hesitation in all of them agreeing to attend. Unfortunately on the night Mark Maddox was unavailable but everyone's thoughts were with him and all other sufferers of Motor Neurone Disease as this was the chosen charity to raise funds for. Another member of that squad, George Melling had passed away just weeks previously from the terrible disease.

Many thanks to Carole Nash who donated a fantastic first prize for our raffle on the night - won by Aaron Howarth and also to all "The Flaggers" who donated half their funds from a matchday raffle to the MNDA cause.

The proceeds from the night were split between MNDA and Altrincham FC Community Sports with both charities receiving £1300.

Many thanks to all who attended and to all the players and staff for giving up their time for this worthwhile cause.