Girls’ Football Development Centre
The Development Centre as part of our National League Trust funding, run by Altrincham FC Community Sports, is an opportunity for girls in Years 7-9 already playing football for a grassroots club to benefit from an extra training session each week.
It is not a team and has no affiliation to any club, so girls from all grassroots clubs are welcome. Each block of sessions will aim to further develop the technical skills of the players in a fun but challenging environment.
Sessions take place at Partington Sports Village, Mondays 6-7pm. The first block of sessions runs 13th November until (and including) 11th December.
Spaces are limited so if you would like to take part, follow the link below to register and confirm your place. Further details can be found on the poster but if you have any questions you can contact our Girls & Women’s Development Officer (Tom) at